
Category: Toolkits


You also have Big Data Treasure in your Organization! Here’s How to Use it

We may think that big data exists only in big organizations. Actually, you can find it everywhere, in your small business, even in your personal devices, your mobile phone, and your smartwatch! Big data is a term used to describe information of an order of magnitude far greater than has been encountered before. Typically, the big data come from social media such as: Facebook Twitter Instagram And connected devices such as: Satellites closed circuit television cameras...


Small Data Plays Big Role in Innovation

Most of the scientists of the 19th and 20th centuries used small data for discoveries. It was that 65% of the big innovations are based on small data according to Martin Lindstrom, the author of “Small Data: The Tiny Clues That Uncover Huge Trends”, in which he studied the big 100 innovations. Small data is the data that comes in a volume and format that makes it accessible, informative, and actionable for humans. Big data...


Is My Research Report Attractive and Useful? Ask the Robot

This Robot helps you evaluate your research report in respect of usefulness and delivery. We use the Human-Centered Report framework. This Robot can be used by: The research team: to evaluate their report before sharing it. The decision-maker: who received a report and wants to evaluate it. The Robot will automatically appear on this page to help you.OR you can access the report anytime from here.


Impact Lean Strategy

The traditional mindset of creating social impact depends on the linear method which begins with social needs assessment, then design the development project, then goes to the society and implement it. Thus, the social needs assessment tools are designed for products and services that do not exist in society. social needs assessment questions can be: If we offer a product with the features and advantages of X and Y, would you think it is useful...


Lean Marketing Research

The traditional way of marketing depends on the linear method which begins with product or service design, then develops a marketing plan, then goes to the market and sells. Thus, the marketing research tools are designed for products that do not actually exist in the market. The marketing research questions can be: If we offer a product with the features and advantages of X and Y, would you like to buy it? Yes, Maybe, No...


Confusing of Research Methodologies? Here is The Simplest Compass!

Suppose you are about to design research; you may think of using familiar methods such as the following: E-questionnaire, Survey, In-depth interviews, Focus Groups, Face-to-face questionnaire, Telephone call, interview, Sample interviews, Observational Study, Field observation, Remote interviews, Statistical survey, Field visits to project points, end-line survey, etc. The common problem is that researchers confusing different concepts. For example, the questionnaire is a data collection tool, we may apply it face-to-face or electronically, that what we...


Three Inspiring Tips to Creative Research Questions

Focus on the right question first: Before you get busy exploring the answers to your research problem, focus first on exploring the right research questions! Einstein says: “If I get an hour to solve a problem, I’ll spend the first 55 minutes figuring out the right question, then I can find the answer in just under 5 minutes”   Inspiring research questions: Sometimes, figuring out research questions don’t require critical thinking, it requires out of...


The Longer the Questionnaire, the Worse!

The more we add questions to the questionnaire, the more we get information. Maybe that’s rights, but what about the quality of data. The fewer questions we include in the questionnaire, the higher quality of data we receive because respondents will have more time to answer each question. Researches show that “the more questions you ask, the less time your respondents spend, on average, answering each question”. So, the quantity of questions affects the quality...


7 Tips to Do a More Human-Centered Interview in Data Collection

Interviewing is one of the key tools in data collection, whatever you are implementing an in-depth interview or a quick one, think of the people you are interviewing as human and not research objects and numbers. To do a more human-centered interview, here are seven tips to consider when humanizing your data:   Interview design: 1- Communicate face-to-face: In-person communication is best, as it allows us to see the reaction, body language, and hear their...

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